Monday, February 2, 2009

New Beginnings

Spring, Imbolg, New Beginnings.
Morganna, Claire and I headed for the Hill of the Witches, or Sliamh na Caillighe to celebrate St. Bridget's Day. We nearly froze on top of the hill, the icy winds at the back of our heads, and freezing our fingers and feet despite the layers of fleece and many many socks among us! This Hill, also known a Loughcrew is probably older than Newgrange, dating around 3400BC. There is a scattering of Stoneage Cairns, and in one of these at dawn on the Spring and Autumn Exuinox the sun illuminates the back stone of the chamber.
A new year, a new start, and for me, a new decade. For well over 10 years, I
have been pregnant or breast feeding my precious boys, with a gap of only 3 months. And now Saul has weaned, and has moved on in his little independent
ways. I feel great about this now, but I was a little shaky at first, and not too sure of my identity any more. For so long, I had a bump or a baby in a sling or a baby at my breast. Time now for me to explore the other aspects of motherhood and parts of me that long for creative expression.
Claire shared a beautiful blessing our sister Eimear wrote, in Irish, and she welcomed us into the sacred space with gifts of petals in exquisite pink bags she had made and bound with gorgeous coloured yarn. She had brought various herbs and petals with signifigant meanings for this ceremony, and she sang with her enchanting voice.
I allowed myself chant, something I heard many years ago, and surprised myself as I am so afraid of my voice........ And Morganna sang beautiully too. I think there is someting so powerful for me in us facing this fear on the hill together.
We burnt some sage and scattered the gifts from Claire and offered up our intention to the powers that be.
Our descent was funny with numbed feet and hands, but we made it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are fabulous and strong and amazing and so many other things! One ending is another beginning, dont be sad just be grateful and excited. Love you xxx